Quick Start Guides

Get started with payment acceptance devices

Choose one of our quick start guides to begin your device setup to ensure you can accept payments securely and efficiently.

  • Chipper 3X - Low-cost, easy-to-use, portable payment acceptance device that enables merchants to quickly and easily take payments via dip, tap, and swipe.
  • Lane 3600 - Countertop payment terminal designed for card-present transactions, offering high security and durability, making it ideal for retail, medical, transportation, and more.
  • M020 Cloud - Versatile point-of-sale payment terminal that can be used in virtually all retail environments, including countertop, tableside, and mobile.
  • VP3350 - Low-cost, easy-to-use, portable payment acceptance device that enables merchants to quickly and easily take payments via dip, tap, and swipe.