Payment Component (Collect.js)

Collect payments on your website securely, and beautifully


Collect.js is a JavaScript library that lets you collect payment information from customers on your website securely, and easily. It is used in conjunction with the Payment API to process sales, create subscriptions, and save to the Customer Vault for long term storage.

Collect.js is designed to be very easy to integrate into web apps, but it also has full customization options to make sure you are always in control of the design and user experience for your customers.

Product Features

Collect.js generates a payment_token that can be submitted to the Payment API for all sorts of interactions. Basically, in any situation where you are passing customer payment data to the gateway, you can send a payment_token in place of the card number/expiration/CVV or bank account information.

Apple Pay and Google Pay are available on supported processors, and can be added to your application with Collect.js as well. Apple Pay needs to be enabled from the merchant portal by going to Settings > Apple Pay. Google Pay is automatically available for all merchants. Of note, you do not need to create an Apple or Google account to use these payments methods, the gateway enables this for you.

Payment MethodRecurringOne-Time
Card✅ Supported✅ Supported
eCheck✅ Supported✅ Supported
Apple Pay❌ Not supported✅ Supported
Google Pay❌ Not supported✅ Supported

Check with your Support Specialist to verify supporting processors.

Payment tokens may only be submitted to the gateway once, and they are destroyed after that. Tokens are also only available for 24 hours after creation, so they are not meant for long term storage of payment details.

Video Tutorial