Quick Setup Guide

1. Your Gateway Account

If you have a 'Staging' device, you MUST be in Test Mode or be using a Test Account.

If you have a production POI Device, ensure your account is LIVE and that you have a supported processor enabled:

Supported Processors
Chase Paymentech NetConnect Tampa - EMV
Elavon - EMV
First Data Rapid Connect Cardnet North - EMV
First Data Rapid Connect Nashville - EMV
First Data Rapid Connect Nashville North - EMV
First Data Rapid Connect Omaha - EMV
Vantiv Core Host Capture - EMV
First Data APACS UK/EU - EMV
American Express Direct UK/EU - EMV
Worldpay APACS UK/EU - EMV
Barclaycard HISO UK/EU - EMV

Contact your account provider to order a POI Device.

2. Create an API Key

A Cloud-enabled POI Device does not allow username/password usage. You must create an API key. The created key will be used for the security_key parameter.

Create your key via the Merchant Portal under Settings > Security Keys.

You will need Admin Access to access the Security Keys page. Please contact an Administrator for your account if you do not have Admin access.

Once you're on the Security Keys page, you should create a Private Security Key by following the below steps:

  1. Click Add a New Private Key
  2. Enter a Key Name - this is a nickname and can be anything you want.
  3. Choose the Username to associate with this key. This username will control what permissions the API key has access to including transaction types, processors, and services such as the Customer Vault, APIs, and so on.
  4. Choose API as the Key Permission.
  5. Click Create.

Your new Security Key for registration, deregistration, estate management, and processing is now available in the list of Private Security Keys. You will use the value listed under 'Key', and can ignore the value under 'Key ID'.

3. Connecting your POI Device to the Internet

If you are connecting an ethernet device: Give your POI Device power and internet connectivity via the power adapter and ethernet cord that comes with the device. The ethernet port you connect the device to must have open internet access.

If you are connecting a WiFi device: Power on the device and follow device specific instructions to connect it to a WiFi network. If your device does not display "Unregistered" with a rotating "Code" value upon bootup, it is likely that the network you are connecting to is somehow blocking outside access to the internet. You will need to speak with your IT/Network administrator to open up firewalls/allow access for the device to connect to the Customer Present Cloud endpoints.

You're now ready to register your POI device and start processing! Follow the Device Management and Registration and Deregistration documentation to start using your device.

Device Tips

When a Miura M020/21 is connected to Customer Present Cloud it will show either "Unregistered" with a rotating "Code" value, or if it is registered it will show the device’s serial number and its nickname.

When the device is in this connected state but idle it is possible to quickly double-press the red cancel button which will perform one of two actions:

  • If the device has a power source then the device will disconnect from the platform.
  • If the device is running on battery power then it will go to sleep. A single press of the green accept button will tell the device to wake up from sleep (if it is in the sleep state) and reconnect to the platform.