Here you can find all the events that are related to transactions.
List of Events
Event Name | Description |
---|---| | Transaction sale succeeded | | Transaction sale failed | | Transaction sale status unknown |
transaction.auth.success | Transaction authorization succeeded |
transaction.auth.failure | Transaction authorization failed |
transaction.auth.unknown | Transaction authorization status unknown |
transaction.capture.success | Transaction capture succeeded |
transaction.capture.failure | Transaction capture failed |
transaction.capture.unknown | Transaction capture status unknown |
transaction.void.success | Transaction void succeeded |
transaction.void.failure | Transaction void failed |
transaction.void.unknown | Transaction void status unknown |
transaction.refund.success | Transaction refund succeeded |
transaction.refund.failure | Transaction refund failed |
transaction.refund.unknown | Transaction refund status unknown | | Transaction credit succeeded | | Transaction credit failed | | Transaction credit status unknown |
transaction.validate.success | Transaction validation succeeded |
transaction.validate.failure | Transaction validation failed |
transaction.validate.unknown | Transaction validation status unknown |
Code | Description |
0 | Unknown |
1 | Invalid |
2 | NFC MSD |
3 | Swiped |
4 | Keyed |
5 | EMV ICC |
6 | NFC EMV |
7 | Keyed - Fallback |
8 | Swiped - Fallback |
Event Samples
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"event_type": "",
"event_body": {
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