Payment API - Response

response parameter is a numeric value that indicates the status of the transaction. The following table describes the possible values for this parameter.

1Transaction Approved
2Transaction Declined
3Error in transaction data or system error

Payment API - Response Code

response_code parameter is a numeric value that indicates the detailed status of the transaction. The following table describes the possible values for this parameter.

100Transaction was approved.
200Transaction was declined by processor.
201Do not honor.
202Insufficient funds.
203Over limit.
204Transaction not allowed.
220Incorrect payment information.
221No such card issuer.
222No card number on file with issuer.
223Expired card.
224Invalid expiration date.
225Invalid card security code.
226Invalid PIN.
240Call issuer for further information.
250Pick up card.
251Lost card.
252Stolen card.
253Fraudulent card.
260Declined with further instructions available. (See response text)
261Declined-Stop all recurring payments.
262Declined-Stop this recurring program.
263Declined-Update cardholder data available.
264Declined-Retry in a few days.
300Transaction was rejected by gateway.
400Transaction error returned by processor.
410Invalid merchant configuration.
411Merchant account is inactive.
420Communication error.
421Communication error with issuer.
430Duplicate transaction at processor.
440Processor format error.
441Invalid transaction information.
460Processor feature not available.
461Unsupported card type.

Payment API - AVS Response Codes

AVS Response CodeDescription
XExact match, 9-character numeric ZIP
YExact match, 5-character numeric ZIP
DExact match, 5-character numeric ZIP
MExact match, 5-character numeric ZIP
2Exact match, 5-character numeric ZIP, customer name
6Exact match, 5-character numeric ZIP, customer name
AAddress match only
BAddress match only
3Address, customer name match only
7Address, customer name match only
W9-character numeric ZIP match only
Z5-character ZIP match only
P5-character ZIP match only
L5-character ZIP match only
15-character ZIP, customer name match only
55-character ZIP, customer name match only
NNo address or ZIP match only
CNo address or ZIP match only
4No address or ZIP or customer name match only
8No address or ZIP or customer name match only
UAddress unavailable
GNon-U.S. issuer does not participate
INon-U.S. issuer does not participate
RIssuer system unavailable
ENot a mail/phone order
SService not supported
0AVS not available
OAVS not available
BAVS not available

Payment API - CVV Response Codes

CVV Response CodeDescription
MCVV2/CVC2 match
NCVV2/CVC2 no match
PNot processed
SMerchant has indicated that CVV2/CVC2 is not present on card
UIssuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keys